Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Pencils & Popcorn

This assignment asked us to watch a movie with the sound down and look at the graphic aspect of the film. I chose to watch Casablanca. The assignment was to watch the movie, plot the story and characters, then storyboard what we thought was the strongest scene. Then, find the weakest scene and redraw it to make it better/stronger.

CD Cover

For the this assignment we were asked to choose one of several scenarios asking us to create a cover for a release/re-released cd with contemporary musicians interpreting classical composers. I chose to make a cd cover for Lang Lang the famous pianist interpreting Mozart's late sonatas. We were required to create a portrait of the artist or composer or both and incorporate it into the cd cover design. I chose to do both. I drew inspiration from artists such as Al Hirschfield and Pablo Lobato. I wanted to create a simplistic and graphic design that would capture the attention of younger audiences. The portraits were initially drawn by hand then scanned and redrawn on Adobe Photoshop. Design was done on Photoshop.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Graphic Novel

For this assignment we were tasked with creating a story in the form of a graphic novel I chose to base the story on famous histographic icon Marie Antoinette. Also included are some digital drawings I did when planning the story out.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Gold and Purple

This is a painting I did solely for fun. I used gouache and watercolours. The idea was inspired by Hindu art as well as the vibrant saris I saw when taking a trip through Little India near where I live.

Billboard Design

For this project it was required that we created a bilboard based on one of a list of causes/topics. I chose environmental awareness. The result is a humorous take on the laziness and reluctance we sometimes have to taking the effort to recycle. All photography was taken by me.